JOC vowed the perpetrators of the Jalawla crime with a harsh response

  • 27-05-2022, 17:42
  • +A -A


    The Joint Operations Command, vowed on Friday, the terrorist gangs responsible for committing the Jalawla crime, a harsh response.

    A spokesman for the Joint Operations Command, Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "A large delegation from the Joint Operations Command, the Deputy Joint Operations and the Deputy Land Forces visited the city of Jalawla in Diyala Governorate to see the circumstances of the security breach that occurred there, as well as the meeting with security leaders and analysis The reasons that led to such a breach and the prevention of its recurrence in the future.".

    He added, "The Operations Command has very high capabilities and capabilities, and has taken some important decisions and plans to pursue these terrorist gangs, and there will be a harsh response to them, and they will be pursued and brought to justice wherever they are," noting that "the security forces continue to monitor and activate the intelligence and security effort and the cooperation of citizens." There is also 24-hour air control in order to punish these terrorists."