The Judiciary calls on the political sides not to include its name in their disputes

  • 23-04-2022, 11:00
  • +A -A

    The Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) called on political sides and figures not to include its name in their disputes.
    SJC said, on Saturday, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that "The judiciary considers all the cases according to the legal evidence obtained and proven in the investigation papers or the case file, regardless of the job occupation of that accused or his political, or social position," noting that " The mechanisms of judicial work are not subject to any political influence, whether for or against an accused. "
    SJC called on all the political sides not to involve its name in their political disputes and media rivalries through explicit or disguised social media platforms, and not to confuse the public opinion with false information through (uncontrolled space) and to involve the judiciary in these disputes based on partisan and competitive personal reasons, affirming that some sides contradict themselves in their stances regarding every case in which an accused person has a political activity, as they may because defend that accused in a certain circumstance and then contradict themselves and work against the same accused in another circumstance, and this behavior reveals the personalization of opinion and position towards each issue according to the interest of those parties, away from the national interest.