Salih: By ending Iraq’s compensation file to Kuwait, we are closing a terrible chapter of the absurd war

  • 23-02-2022, 08:21
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    The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, affirmed that by ending the Iraqi compensation file to the sisterly Kuwait, we are closing a terrible chapter of the absurd war of the tyrannical regime.
    Salih tweeted via his official "Twitter" account, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "By ending the file of Iraqi compensation to sisterly Kuwait, we are closing a terrible chapter of the absurd war of the tyrannical regime, that our people and the whole region paid the price for it."
    He added: "Today, Iraq is moving towards a foreign policy based on establishing the best relations with our brothers and neighbors and the international community and supporting the security and peace of the region as a common interest for all."
    Earlier, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced that Iraq had left Chapter VII mandate, after paying all of its financial obligations, while stressing that Iraq was no longer required to pay any additional sums of money in the future.