Integrity Commission arrests Tikrit agriculture officials on charges of organizing fake contracts

  • 28-10-2021, 13:35
  • +A -A


    The Federal Integrity Commission arrested on Thursday officials in Tikrit agriculture on charges of organizing fake agricultural contracts that wasted public money.
    "The staff of the Commission's investigation office in Salah al-Din province was able to arrest three officials of the Salah al-Din Agriculture Directorate - Tikrit Agriculture," the agency's investigation department said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), clarifying that "The arrest was carried out on organizing fake agricultural contracts for land that does not exist on the ground," she said.
    "Its preliminary investigation led to the fact that the loans, which were granted to people with a guarantee of a land that did not already exist on the ground and received agricultural financial loans and other materials under the annual agricultural plan, caused a waste of public money," the department said.