Salih: Fair elections and ensuring participation are the two pillars of correcting processes and overcoming mistakes

  • 20-05-2021, 16:47
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    Baghdad - INA

    The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, announced today, Thursday, that fair elections and ensuring participation are the pillars of correcting the paths and overcoming mistakes, while noting that the popular movement is a sober societal movement that is aware of the current and future challenges facing the country .

    In a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), the Presidency of the Republic said, "The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received today, Thursday, Secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party Raed Fahmy and his accompanying delegation, where developments in the country were discussed."

    Salih stressed that "the stage the country is going through is important and pivotal and calls for cooperation and solidarity," noting that "the merits of reform, correcting paths, overcoming mistakes and mismanagement, have become an urgent demand and not an option for discussion and debate over it."

    He stressed "the need to protect the security and stability achieved in the country, and the consolidation of a capable and sovereign state and confining weapons to its hand," pointing out that "the popular movement is a societal movement that is sober and aware of the current and future challenges facing the country, and it is the result of errors that cannot be overlooked from corruption and mismanagement.".

    "Assassinations and terrorizing protesters, activists and journalists are unpardonable acts that must not pass without punishment," he added, pointing out that "the upcoming elections are articulated and foundational and come after a broad national consensus that mistakes should not continue and must be overcome, restoring the confidence of the voters." In the electoral process and the wide participation in it, to be the true peaceful and popular path for change and reform. "