Cabinet Secretariat: Agenda of Iraqi coordination delegation visit to Jordan tomorrow

  • 22-03-2021, 19:19
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    INA – Baghdad
    Cabinet General Secretariat announced the files of the Iraqi coordination delegation’s visit to Jordan tomorrow’s Tuesday, while the Minister of Planning Khalid Najim Battal confirmed that the visit will discuss the activation of the previously concluded memorandums of understanding.
    The Iraqi-Jordanian-Egyptian Coordinating Council discussed the most important files that will be discussed during the visit to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, according to a statement by the Cabinet  General Secretariat received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA).
    The head of the Council, Minister of Planning Khalid Najim Battal, confirmed that, "in addition to bilateral meetings between the Iraqi and Jordanian ministerial delegations, tripartite discussions will be held in the presence of the Egyptian ministerial delegation, to discuss the memoranda of understanding concluded during earlier mutual visits and the mechanism to activate them,"
    "The visit is a continuation of the series of bilateral and tripartite visits between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt, based on the outcomes of the tripartite summit that was held between the leaders of the three countries in Amman during the past year," included the statement.