Al-Mandlawi mourns over Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah martyrdom in Zionist bombing

  • Today, 16:21
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    Acting Speaker of the Parliament Muhsin Al-Mandalawi offered his condolences on Saturday on the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    "With firm faith in God's will and destiny and hearts filled with sadness and pain, we received the news of the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Lebanon, Hezbollah, the martyred leader, the mujahid, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah," said Al-Mandalawi in a statement - received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    He expressed, "We extend our sincere condolences and sympathy to the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation, foremost among them the brotherly Lebanese people and the fronts supporting Palestine, as well as the free people all over the world, and to the family and relatives of the martyr and Hezbollah staff, on this great loss that is dear to the hearts of believers." 

    "The blood of the leader of the resistance and all the martyrs is an extension of the sacrifices of the prophets, imams and righteous people in the battles of truth and falsehood throughout time. It is an affirmation of the depth of faith, steadfastness and insight that our great leaders possessed, as the martyr of the nation received the highest medal that he had wished for throughout his career in leading Hezbollah, which lasted for about 30 years spent in jihad, sacrifice, resistance, and clarity of vision and goal," he added.