Sheikh Al-Khazali thanks state institutions and people of Karbala for the success of Al-Arbaeen Visit

  • 25-08-2024, 19:24
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    The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Movement, Sheikh Qais Al-Khazali, today, Sunday, thanked state institutions and people of Karbala for the success of Al-Arbaeen visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).
    Sheikh Al-Khazali said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "We are in the midst of the Arbaeen anniversary of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), We extend our deepest condolences to the Imam, the Master of the Age and Time (peace be upon him)), our great authorities, and all believers and free people in the entire world.
    On this anniversary, and this great million-person visit, Which is impossible to describe and comprehend its great secret, we can only praise and thank God, who honored and glorified Iraq and its great people, by making its land a resting place for the shrine of Hussein (peace be upon him), and made its free and generous people protectors of this Imam Al-Tahir, and servants of his visitors, who came to him from all over the world."
    He added, "Thanks for all the efforts made to make this occasion and this great event a success.
    Thanks to our heroic security forces and our sacred popular mobilization, who made tremendous efforts to secure this million-person visit.
    Thanks to the owners of unparalleled generosity and kindness, the owners of the Husseini processions and organizations.
    Thanks to the people of Karbala, who endured this million-person march to their governorate for many days."
    Sheikh Al-Khazali continued, "Thanks to all the institutions and ministries of the Iraqi state, and the local Karbala government for the great efforts they made to make this visit a success. Thanks to the owners of the free word and the conscious media, who conveyed this great visit in the most beautiful way. Thanks to all the zealous Iraqi people, who have become an example to be followed in generosity, especially our dear governorates that were a path filled with love and generosity for the visitors of Abi Abdullah Al-Hussain (peace be upon him)."