Lebanon without electricity

  • 17-08-2024, 18:45
  • +A -A

    Follow-up - INA

    The electricity of Lebanon announced today, Saturday, that the electricity supply has been completely cut off in all Lebanese territories, including basic facilities in Lebanon such as the airport, the port of Beirut, and prisons.

    The corporation explained in a statement followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that "the stoppage came due to the "forced exit" of the last production group of the (Zahrani) plant remaining on the electrical grid from service completely, due to the plant's stock of fuel used to produce electricity being completely depleted.

    It indicated that it "has exhausted all possible precautionary measures to extend the energy production period under the various current circumstances."

    The corporation added that it "will restart the groups that were forcibly put out of service, in line with the stock that will be available to it after securing gas oil for its benefit."

    In his first comment on the crisis, the Director General of Civil Aviation at Beirut Airport, Fadi Al-Hassan, confirmed that “the airport is currently providing electrical power from generators, and we hope that the crisis will not last long.”