The current government's paths are good and PM is not new to the responsibility: Al-Abadi

Investigations and reports
  • 28-07-2024, 14:14
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    The head of the Victory Coalition, Haider al-Abadi, confirmed that Iraq enjoys great security stability during the current government, which has been reflected in the economic movement While he saw that the call for early elections is a kind of political bickering, he touched upon several political files in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA), including the election law, the file of electing the Speaker of Parliament, and the visit of the head of the Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, to Baghdad he revealed that an agreement had been reached with the Coordination Framework and explained its details, while he indicated that there is serious research and discussion led by the government to end the work of the international coalition in Iraq, indicating that the coalition has expressed its readiness to withdraw within one year.
    The country is witnessing great security stability after the military victory over ISIS by liberating Mosul in 2017 and the victories that followed, as the Iraqi security forces continued to develop their capabilities and monitor terrorist movements,” Al-Abadi said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA).
    “The continued rise in oil prices has helped the government in spending to implement its program, and this is a gain for citizens,” he said”Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani is not new to responsibility, having previously served as governor, MP and minister.”
    The Political System
    Al-Abadi touched on the political file and said: “The political system consists of blocs, part of which agreed to form the government and the others remained outside it, and therefore the blocs are not all in agreement with the prime minister, and there are disputes and perhaps media attacks, and we saw what happened because of the issue of bridges, although they are projects welcomed by the people, and these disputes appear in light of political and electoral competition and increase as the elections approach.”
    Al-Abadi stressed that "the demand by some forces for early elections is a kind of political bickering and holding such elections now is not possible as the commission has obligations including the regional parliament elections and its preparations for the upcoming legislative elections require time and even if efforts are accelerated, the elections cannot be held until November of next year, for example."
    He pointed out that "based on previous electoral experiences, differences between political parties increase before elections are held."
    Elections Law
    He added that "in every election a new law is enacted, and this is a problem that causes delays and differences, until consensus is achieved between the political blocs," noting that "previous laws with elections had dates set for them, but this time there is a keenness to make it a law that does not change."
    Al-Abadi added, "There are those who want this election law, but they are pushing towards wasting votes in other words, you may have popularity and get half a million votes, and you can get 10 or 15 MPs with you or more ,so they are pushing towards benefiting from a small number of votes, and the rest are wasted, so you do not get the same number that is achieved with the current law, while in democratic work and democratic elections, the percentage of wasted votes is supposed to be small."
    The electoral system
    Al-Abadi explained that "in the previous elections of 2021, the number of lost votes was huge, as 9 million participated in the elections and about half of the votes were lost, estimated at 5 million this is a flaw that indicates the democratic process in Europe, the multi-district method succeeded, as they have major parties that attract votes, but with us, there are small groups with independents that together waste a lot of votes representation is important, but nevertheless, care must be taken not to waste votes with the amendment of the new conservative election law, one district will reduce the loss of votes in calculating seats."
    Al-Abadi noted that “the current system and amendment is the most appropriate in my opinion, although I had a personal opinion in preferring Sainte-Laguë in the 1.5 formula instead of 1.7 to allow the smaller blocs to ascend, since 1.7 is more difficult, but the large blocs do not want the small blocs to ascend, although preventing the other from having a voice in democratic work makes him resort to the street.”
    Sadrist Movement
    Al-Abadi stressed that "the position of the Sadrist movement is not yet clear on the issue of returning and participating in the electoral process, as the movement boycotted the provincial council elections," noting that "the first impression was from what we received from them about the parliamentary elections that they would participate, but it is not clear yet whether they have decided to participate, after the 2021 elections they did not accept an alliance with some forces to form the government, and this issue may be repeated if they participate in the upcoming elections, as alliances may be necessary according to the results to form the government."
    Al-Abadi expressed his hope "for the Sadrist movement to contribute to the electoral work.
    Parliament Speaker Election
    Regarding the reasons for the delay in electing a new Parliament Speaker, Al-Abadi said: "The position of Parliament Speaker is the ambition of many parties, and some believe that the position should be decided for a close person or an ally, and others prefer that the position remain vacant, and others do not prefer it."
    He explained that "all components, including minorities, are divided and there are differences in visions, and the only solution is to put the election of the President to a vote in Parliament with every session held because the constitution stipulates that it be put forward in every session of the House of Representatives, and not putting it forward in the session is considered a clear violation (and perjury), and we call on the Acting Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi and the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah to insist on putting the election of the Speaker of Parliament on the agenda in every session, and not to wait for political consensus because keeping the position vacant is unconstitutional.
    Masoud Barzani's visit to Baghdad
    Regarding the visit of the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Baghdad, Al-Abadi said: "The visit was important and frank with the other parties, as the visit achieved a rapprochement that led to the formation of a committee from the Coordination Framework and the Democratic Party to communicate and prevent the expansion of problems," explaining that "the political parties discovered the existence of a political loophole in the lack of communication between Baghdad and Erbil."
    He noted that "the leaders discussed the unity of the country within one federal Iraq, and there must be keenness to work according to the constitution to achieve the interests of the citizens."
    Al-Abadi stressed that the border crossings, including the crossings of Kurdistan, as well as its international airports, must be under federal management.
    The International Coalition File
    Regarding the International Coalition file, Al-Abadi explained that "Iraq absolutely does not need the international coalition, as the circumstances of 2014 and the emergence of ISIS terrorist gangs and their threat to cities, including Baghdad, are different from the circumstances of the current year 2024  now security is stable and Iraq is free of any real threat from ISIS terrorist gangs."
    Al-Abadi stressed that "after the liberation of the left side of the city of Mosul in 2017, we began negotiations to reduce the number of coalition forces, as we requested ending the coalition's presence in Iraq and they requested five years and we requested three years," indicating that "it is supposed to end the coalition's presence during 2022 or 2023 at the latest, and we are surprised that the current government has not demanded ending the coalition's presence."
    Al-Abadi continued his speech saying: "According to our information, there is serious research and discussion to end the work of the international coalition in Iraq, and the American side is ready to end its presence in Iraq within one year," indicating that "the government's position in general is heading towards a bilateral agreement and cooperation with the coalition countries with the completion of the withdrawal."
    Regarding the American elections, Al-Abadi said: "Iraq must isolate its interests from the American chaos regardless of who wins the elections, whether a Republican or Democratic candidate, and internationally we must continue to support Palestine, the people of Gaza, and the Islamic right to the land and stand against injustice."