For the first time: Iraq hosts the activities of the Sixth Arab Competition Forum

  • 21-07-2024, 21:19
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    The Chairman of the Council for Competition and Antitrust Affairs announced today, Sunday, that Iraq will host the activities of the Sixth Arab Competition Forum in 2025.
    Chairman of the Council for Competition and Antimonopoly Affairs, Ahmed Younis Qasim, said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): that “Iraq is hosting the activities of the Sixth Arab Competition Forum for the year 2025 for the first time in cooperation with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),  After assuming the presidency of the Institutional Efficiency Group in the Arab Competition Network.
    He added, “We extend our thanks to the Prime Minister for his support in Iraq’s hosting of this event, which aims to spread the culture of competition, enhance communication opportunities between competition authorities, consultants and international experts, ensure the enhancement of the efficiency of the national economy, improve the environment for conducting economic activity in all industrial, commercial and service sectors, and provide a free competitive embinance.”
    He continued, "The forum is an annual platform for exchanging knowledge about competition policy and its enforcement, attracting competition authorities in the Arab region, regional and international experts, academics, legislators, and representatives of the private sector," noting that "the Arab Competition Network initiative aims to enhance cooperation and exchange of information between competition authorities in Arab countries."
    He pointed out that the network’s goals and role include:
    1. Strengthening cooperation: Strengthening cooperation between Arab competition authorities to enhance mutual understanding and exchange of best practices in the field of competition.
     2. Awareness and training: Providing training programs and workshops for employees and officials to increase awareness and knowledge of competition principles and laws.
     3. Information exchange: Exchanging information and experiences between member states on issues related to competition.
     4. Policy development: Assist member states in developing and improving competition policies and laws in line with international standards.
     5. Promoting economic justice: Working to enhance economic justice and protect the consumer from monopolistic and unfair practices.
    Network duty:
    - Regular meetings: Organizing periodic meetings and forums to discuss common issues and exchange experiences.
    - Workshops and conferences: holding workshops and conferences for training and knowledge exchange.
    - Studies and research: Conduct studies and research on competition topics to help members make informed decisions.
    - Providing technical support: Providing technical support and advice to member states on matters of competition law implementation.
    The Arab Competition Network seeks to promote a fair competitive ambinance in Arab markets in a way that contributes to achieving sustainable economic development.