Arab League takes decisive steps against the Zionist entity

  • 4-07-2024, 16:40
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    Cairo - INA

    The Arab League has decided today, Thursday, to take decisive actions against the Zionist entity.

    Palestinian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Muhannad Al-Aklouk, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) after the end of the emergency session held at the headquarters of the Arab League: “The Council of the Arab League issued an important decision and is awaiting its implementation,” indicating that “this decision creates a mechanism for the decisions of the last Arab Summit, the 33rd session held in Bahrain, by assigning the General Secretariat to coordinate with the Arab countries to implement five important points of the Arab Summit decisions.”

    He added, "The five points include listing 60 extremist Zionist terrorist entities and organizations on the Arab national terrorism lists, announcing 22 Zionist figures who incite genocide on the list of shame by taking legal action against them headed by the head of the occupation government and his terrorist ministers, in addition to boycotting 97 companies operating in the settlements as a whole, as well as calling on Arab countries to join South Africa's call regarding the crime of genocide, and referring Zionist crimes to the International Criminal Court."

    He continued, "There is an important point that the Council approved, which is the condemnation of Britain's obstruction of the course of international justice, slowing down the redress of victims, and encouraging the perpetrator to escape punishment by Britain submitting a question to the International Criminal Court that slows down its work regarding the court's jurisdiction over holders of the Zionist entity's citizenship."

    He noted that "the presidency of the League mentioned another very important point, which is to begin the process of freezing the participation of the Zionist entity in the United Nations General Assembly through the League's decision to assign the Arab group in New York to develop the appropriate steps that we will follow to freeze the participation of the Zionist entity in the United Nations General Assembly, as it threatens international peace and security and violates the United Nations Charter, in addition to its failure to meet the conditions of its membership in the United Nations."