Oil Ministry: Projects to raise the standard of petroleum products are finished, and others are being carried out

  • 9-05-2024, 13:44
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    INA-  Baghdad

    The Ministry of Oil confirmed today, Thursday, that liquid gas is 15 degrees higher quality than super gasoline. The ministry also announced the completion of projects to improve the quality of oil products and others that are still in the works. The ministry also mentioned efforts to spread the type of Euro 5 on all refinery products.  

    "The ministry is making great efforts through projects to improve the quality of oil products," said Hamid Al-Zubaie, undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Refining Affairs, to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), adding that "part of these projects have been completed, and the other part of them are under implementation."

      He declared, "There are significant efforts underway to make all refinery products Euro 5, high-quality, and environmentally friendly."
    He claimed that "regular gasoline has an octane rate of 82-85%, which is within Iraqi specifications, and super gasoline has an octane rate of 95%, improved octane rate of 92%."  

    A liter of liquid gas used in cars costs 200 dinars, so it's very affordable and of excellent quality—15 degrees better than super gasoline, he said.