Al-Sudani announces launching the updated national document for population policy in Iraq

  • 17-05-2023, 13:36
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    INA-  Baghdad

    Media Office of the Prime Minister stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency INA highlights from Prime Minister Mr. Mohammad S. Al-Sudani's remarks during the coordination meeting of the Arab Council for Population and Development in Baghdad:

    Today, we launch the updated national document for population policy in Iraq, approved by the Supreme Population Council in mid-February.

    The document represents Iraq's general strategies and principles with regard to Population and development policies. 

    The initial national document on population policies from 2013 underwent a review, resulting in the creation of a new document that tackles present challenges arising from substantial social, demographic, and health transformations that have occurred over the past decade.

    The implementation of the new document aligns with the principles of the government program, which provides clear guidelines for connecting demographic reality with sustainable development plans.

    The Ministerial Council for Human Development recommended adopting and approving the new document, which was prepared to align with the core values of Iraqi society and its unique demographic composition.

    The document was meticulously crafted by specialists and academics, under the direct supervision of the National Committee for Population Policies, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund. This cooperative effort ensured the document reflects international principles and recommendations for population and sustainable development.

    The government program prioritizes creating a supportive environment that empowers diverse population groups. This includes addressing age distribution, promoting access to a healthy life and quality education, ensuring equal opportunities, reducing the gender gap, and demonstrating a commitment to social protection programs for the elderly and vulnerable segments of the population.

    By Population policies, we do not mean implementing direct measures to reduce birth rates or limit population growth, contrary to misconceptions.

    The updated national document, which we are celebrating its launch today, attaches significant importance to youth empowerment.

    Iraqi society, being relatively young, benefits from a demographic advantage that presents a genuine opportunity to make substantial advancements in sustainable development.

    The demographic advantage lies in the majority of the population being in the 15-64 age group, comprising two-thirds of the total population. This composition reduces economic employment burdens and boosts production potential.

    To ensure that the demographic advantage does not turn into a burden, it necessitates the implementation of robust development policies rooted in economic, educational, and training plans. These policies aim to effectively harness the potential of the youth, who will form the largest proportion of the population in Iraq's history. Experts and specialists caution that this demographic gift may become a curse without proper attention.

    We urge state institutions to prioritize the fulfillment of the requirements outlined in the National Document for Population Policy when formulating diverse development policies. These policies encompass objectives and procedures and address the eleven focal areas of the document, including education, healthcare, youth and women empowerment, support for vulnerable groups, migration, and the promotion of citizenship values and community cohesion.

    We thank the teams responsible for preparing this document, including the Ministerial Council for Human Development and the National Committee for Population Policies within the Ministry of Planning.

    We acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the United Nations Population Fund/Iraq Office, our valuable partner in population and development matters. Their contribution to the document's preparation and support during its launch is highly valued.