Archaeologists discover industrial area in the ancient city of Lagash in Dhi Qar

  • 7-02-2023, 12:40
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    The director of the Dhi Qar Antiquities Inspectorate announced on Tuesday, the discovery of a historical industrial area in the ancient Lagash in Dhi Qar, indicating that the area included a restaurant and pottery utensils for preserving food.

    “The American mission discovered a public place resembling a restaurant with mud benches that include double dining chairs in the ancient Lagash area of Dhi Qar province," The director of the Inspectorate Shamil Al-Rumaid, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

    "This discovery is important in terms of enriching the civilization of the Mesopotamia with important information on pottery making and mud dolls,” he added.
    The place also has an area specialized to cook and preserve food, a large jar with another small jar and broken pottery to cool and preserve food.
    It is noteworthy that the city of Lagash is a Sumerian city located in the Dawaya district, and its history dates back to 2900 BC. It was founded by the Sumerian king Ur-Nanshe, and several Sumerian kings succeeded it, as it is the largest city in ancient Iraq, with an area of about 25 square kilometers.