Salih: Holding elections on time is a popular demand

  • 29-05-2021, 14:01
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA

    The President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, affirmed today, Saturday, that holding the elections on their scheduled date is a national entitlement.

    Salih said during his speech at the Fourth Conference of Civil Society Organizations, which was attended by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The holding of the elections on the specified date is a national entitlement and a popular demand," calling for societal mobilization to participate in the elections.

    He added: "We are going through a sensitive and dangerous phase in the life of the political experience in Iraq, and we have national entitlements, the most prominent of which are holding early elections on their scheduled date in October of this year, a national entitlement that cannot be delayed, a popular demand, and a necessity to move to the formulation stage. A new political contract that enables Iraqis to elect a capable national government capable of meeting what is befitting of Iraq and its people.

    And he indicated that "the holding of the upcoming elections is a task that does not stop the government only, but also bears the responsibility of the political forces that contributed to the formation of the government in extremely complex and sensitive circumstances, and also requires the solidarity of civil society organizations through community mobilization and the formation of monitoring networks to ensure the integrity of the elections and enable citizens to exercise Their democratic right to elect whoever they see fit to run their country without guardianship or authority."

    He continued, "Resorting to the people is the solution to facing the economic and security challenges," stressing the "necessity to proceed with real reforms to bridge the gap with the people."

    Salih called on "political forces to arbitrate the language of reason to overcome crises, fight political money and curb corruption," noting that he "looks forward to cooperating with the parliament on combating corruption."