PLC calls for monitoring the sources of financing candidates

  • 23-05-2021, 16:49
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA

    The Parliamentary Legal Committee announced that the elections law did not stipulate the limitation of money in electoral advertising or the use of public money, while it called for the issuance of strict controls that are subject to the control of spending and funding sources for electoral campaigns .

    A member of the committee, Hussein Al-Uqabi, explained to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the election law indicated that the commission should set controls for electoral and propaganda campaigns, as well as the existence of controls in the political parties law ."

    Al-Uqabi stressed the importance of the commission issuing controls to determine spending and its transparency and knowing the sources of funding for candidates, and that this be subject to the supervision of the competent authorities, pointing out that “the past years have witnessed a lack of discipline in these matters through the disbursement of large sums, some of which have been marred by suspicions of vote buying. This has resulted in unequal opportunities between candidates and between political parties and forces. "