Al-Mubarqa discusses strengthening youth and sports relations with Kuwait

  • 8-09-2024, 13:26
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    Minister of Youth and Sports Ahmed Al-Mubarqa discussed enhancing cooperation and youth and sports relations between Iraq and the sisterly State of Kuwait this came during his official visit to the State of Kuwait and his meeting this morning, Sunday, with the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahd Al-Youssef.
    Al-Mubarqa said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The official visit he is currently making to the sisterly State of Kuwait also included a meeting with the Minister of Information and Culture, and the Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi."
     The statement added that "the meeting discussed ways to enhance sports and youth relations between the two countries, and addressed mechanisms and plans to develop joint youth and sports work to deepen these relations between the two brotherly countries."
    On the other hand, Ahmed Al-Mubarqa' visited our national team player, Ayman Hussein, to check on his health condition in his hospital in the State of Kuwait, stressing that "the Ministry of Youth and Sports will spare no effort in caring for him and making every effort to return him to the national team, wishing him safety and a quick return to the stadiums."