Sayyid Al-Hakim renews the call to decide the position of Speaker of Parliament

  • 17-06-2024, 10:33
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    The head of the Al-Hikma Movement, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim, renewed on Monday, the call to decide the position of Speaker of Parliament, while praising the urban development and the reform path followed by the federal government and local governments.
    Sayyid Al-Hakim said during the Eid prayer sermon, followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "In light of the developments witnessed in our local arena and our Arab and Islamic region, we would like to refer to several matters, including the political field, as the call continues to call for the need to resolve the position of Speaker of Parliament and that this important position does not remain vacant as a result of political differences between the parties involved in the candidacy his keenness to resolve this position by consensus with partners in political action, without entering into rounds of competition within Parliament," noting that "more than seven months of vacancy in this position does not serve the democratic process nor the rules of political stability."
    He called, “All political forces to resolve this national entitlement in accordance with constitutional mechanisms and national partnership without disruption, and for it not to be a cause of conflict and disagreement among the people of one component,” stressing, “Our strength lies in our unity.”
    Sayyid Al-Hakim said continued, "We have faced great difficulties and obstacles in political work over the past years, we were able to overcome them thanks to 72 and the wisdom of the Iraqis. They have even become living experiences and rules to be used in similar political situations."
    He pointed out that “the political awareness and experience that we have reached today necessitates us not to return to artificial disagreement for political purposes,” calling for “demanding demonstrations and political objections to be conducted in a peaceful manner and in accordance with constitutional and legal contexts, avoiding popular incitement in our safe and stable cities.”
    In the social field, Sayyid Al-Hakim added, “Building and preserving the Iraqi family is one of the first priorities before us, as the Iraqi Constitution stated in Article 29/First that “The family is the foundation of society, and the state preserves its entity and its religious, moral, and national values,” especially in light of the statistics which speaks about the great challenges and risks surrounding the Iraqi family in terms of increasing rates of domestic violence, the spread of deviant phenomena, and the weakness of security and educational oversight on decadent platforms, degrading content, and other tools and methods that work to kidnap our youth and target the values and constants of our authentic Iraqi families.”
    He added, "Yesterday, we were fighting terrorism in all its forms, and manifestations, and we are still fighting extremism, corruption, and everything that threatens the security and sovereignty of our country today, our war is an intellectual war of values par excellence, and it is one of the most dangerous and most ferocious wars on nations, and we must prepare for it with one hand, government and people institutions, clans, individuals and organizations, and it is not possible to confront without realizing the reality of the danger that threatens the security of our families and our youth.”
    In the economic field, the head of the National Wisdom Movement said, “We feel comfortable with the movement of the federal government and local governments in urban development and the reform path in many areas,” praising “the efforts of the Prime Minister and his government team in these remarkable endeavors.”
    In the regional and international sphere, Sayyid Al-Hakim affirmed that “the Palestinian issue is still the primary concern of the consciousness and conscience of the Arab and Islamic nation and all the peoples of the free world, and it will remain so,” indicating that “words of denunciation are no longer useful with the logic of Zionist disregard for international and humanitarian law, which is what began the world senses it and realizes it, even if it is late.”