Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani: The New Al-Ghazlani Residential City in Nineveh Will be Exemplary

  • 4-03-2024, 14:43
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    INA-  Baghdad 

    “Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani inaugurated the construction work for the Al-Ghazlani Residential City project in Nineveh during his visit on Monday morning. He revealed at the ceremony that this new residential development comprises 28,000 housing units spanning 4,800 dunams. It stands as the second city in the initial series of five cities. Additionally, he mentioned an upcoming second series, which will introduce 11 residential cities across Baghdad and various other provinces” the Prime Minister’s Media Office said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA).
     “Prime Minister praised the New Cities Commission for its recent achievements, noting the implementation of decisions, administrative actions, and approvals to overcome legal hurdles and prepare the land. These efforts enabled the signing of contracts and granting of an investment license to the Chinese company and its project partners ”the statement added.
    “PM Al-Sudani emphasized that Al-Ghazlani city will be exemplary, benefiting from the terrain that will add to its beauty, meeting the expectations of Nineveh's residents. He also congratulated the local government on starting its responsibilities, highlighting Nineveh's potential as a beacon for all Iraqis in economic development and as a step towards Iraq's stability” the statement added .
    The points highlighted by Prime Minister Al-Sudani at the work launch ceremony were:
    - A decade ago, this beloved province was engulfed by ISIS's reign of terror, characterized by widespread killings, destruction, and acts of sabotage.
    - The extremist ideology of ISIS bears no relation to the noble values of Nineveh's diverse communities.
    - In response to the revered fatwa from the Supreme Religious Authority, Iraqis across all communities united with our armed forces and were backed by international support to successfully liberate Nineveh.
    - Today, Nineveh is forging ahead with development, embarking on numerous projects and reconstruction efforts, symbolizing the ultimate triumph.
    - Our obligation to the martyrs, wounded heroes, and their families is to tirelessly serve the citizens and achieve progress in development and reconstruction.
    - The new cities embody the government's strategy to address a major issue in Iraqi society: the housing crisis.
    - The solution involves creating comprehensive cities that encompass diverse residential units and offer full services, including medical facilities, educational institutions such as schools and universities, and commercial centers.
    - The new cities will support all economic activities, conforming to the latest standards and employing modern construction methodologies.
    - Constructing residential cities will encourage the industrial sector to provide the necessary construction materials, supporting various specialties and activities.
    - We urge Nineveh's private sector to seize this opportunity by investing in construction material factories, particularly as the province is abundant in natural building resources.
    - The existing construction material factories are inadequate to meet market demands or the growth caused by the new cities.
    - The goal is to promote the establishment of local factories to meet urban demands, thereby generating more employment opportunities instead of relying on imports.
    - This project will be closely monitored in all its phases.
    - There is a commitment to maintaining standards and specifications, highlighting the significance of oversight by the pertinent official authorities.
    - The implementing company was rigorously assessed and approved based on its detailed financial and administrative plan for executing the project.
    - Our government is resolute in its commitment to eliminating delays in project executions.