Interior Minister inspects the site of the treacherous accident in Al-Umraniyah

  • 2-12-2023, 09:21
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    The Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, inspected on Saturday, the site of the treacherous accident in the Al-Umraniyah area in Diyala.
    "The Minister of Interior was briefed on the ground about the location and circumstances of the treacherous incident in Al-Umraniyah area in Diyala Governorate and the measures taken by the security forces," stated the Ministry of Interior-MOI in a statement, received by The Iraqi News Agency INA.
    “Al-Shammari visited the families of the martyrs in this incident and offered them condolences and sympathy. He also held a security meeting with several commanders and officers to discuss security measures within this sector,” the statement added.