The European Union's police agency, Europol, announced today, Friday, the dismantling of a network smuggling migrants to Europe via private planes.
"Five members of a gang suspected of smuggling migrants have been arrested on private planes from Turkey to Europe using false diplomatic passports," Europol said in a statement.
The authorities confiscated two planes, a luxury car and equipment used to issue false identity papers during raids carried out in Belgium and Italy, according to "Europol".
"It is believed that between October and December 2020, five smuggling operations were carried out in five different European countries," it said in a statement.
The agency said that flights usually go to the Caribbean islands, but passengers never reach those destinations.
In addition to that, the agency also added, "During the stations in various European airports, including Austria, France and Germany, the migrants left the plane, got rid of their forged passports and applied for asylum." It is also suspected of issuing fraudulent checks, defrauding airlines to establish their fleet, and defrauding hotels by not paying bills," according to Europol.
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