Al-Amri offers condolences on the death of his deputy in Maysan

  • 6-05-2022, 14:12
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    The head of Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, offered condolences for the death of his deputy in Maysan, in a traffic accident.
    Al-Amiri said, on Friday, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Today we lost a distinct  figure  in the field of jihad and generosity, the owner of an honorable and a good history, the deputy secretary-general of Badr Organization, Abdul Karim Al-Ansari, in an unfortunate traffic accident while  he was performing his duty”. 
    He added, “With this great loss, I offer my condolences to the family of the deceased, our brothers in Badr Organization, and to the Iraqi people, for whom the dear deceased vowed his honorable life. In the day of his tragic death, we remember all the famous stances of Hajj Abu Maryam, from the days of jihad against the tyrant, to the days of tireless political work in the government and parliament, to the days of confronting terrorism. To his earnest endeavor in serving his brothers at Badr and serving his people through the positions he occupied, he was a sincere brother, a brave advocate, a companion, and an example for the believers who had insights linked to their sacred message, and who insisted on their right path”.