Iraq is willing to expand military cooperation with Italy

  • 2-07-2021, 16:05
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    Today, Friday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi met with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi in the Italian capital, Rome. Al-Kazemi expressed his appreciation for the Italian role within the international coalition to combat Daesh terrorist gangs and the support provided to the Iraqi forces in this aspect, noting that "Iraq looks forward to a greater role for Italy during the next stage. 

      Al-Kadhimi explained that "Iraq is willing to expand military cooperation with Italy, including the aspect of training and work development in the field of fighting organized crime and prosecuting money smuggling and other prohibited activities, and to benefit from its experience in this field," noting that "Iraq welcomes a greater role for Italian companies and investments in Iraq, especially in the field of infrastructure, and accelerating the ongoing consultations for the railway construction project (Basra-Turkey) linking to the port of Faw. 


    According to the statement, Al-Kadhimi welcomed "the development of cooperation with the Italian side in the field of dam maintenance, oil and energy, academia, tourism and antiquities, as well as Iraq's desire to activate direct air transport between Baghdad and Rome. The statement indicated that "Al-Kadhimi invited the Italian Prime Minister to visit Baghdad, who welcomed and accept the invitation and promised to meet it as soon as possible.