Faik Zidan
After the change in the political system in Iraq in 2003, judges, like the rest of the Iraqis, were able to travel outside Iraq for the purpose of tourism or official dispatch, and as part of the judiciary, I learned during my travel the experiences of many countries, and in every visit to the court buildings or the administration of the judiciary in those countries, I had mixed feelings. From admiration for what I have seen and sadness at the same time because Iraq does not have such buildings, although it is the oldest civilization and the most possible of those countries, and it lacks what is present in the world except the will and decision-making. So when we assumed the first position of responsibility in the administration of the judiciary, we decided from the first days that We seek to find buildings for the courts and a headquarters for the judiciary befitting the civilized history of Iraq and for the administration of the judiciary and the head of the judicial pyramid represented by the Court of Cassation to have a distinct edifice that is one of the symbols of Iraq. We thought that this building reflects the symbolism of the law and the judiciary and is linked to the history of Iraq, so we found that the obelisk of Hammurabi is the symbol that distinguishes Iraq from others inThis is a field, so we presented the idea to a number of professional friends, and we advised most of them to assign the task of preparing the designs of this building to a foreign company or designer to ensure accuracy and quality, but we felt that entrusting this task to a company or non-Iraqi person might reduce the value of the achievement, especially since we watch daily from a window Our office is a central bank building, and it rises daily in a very distinct way, and its late designer, daughter of Iraq, Zaha Hadid, so we decided to entrust this task to an Iraqi engineer so that the work in all its details is associated with the name of Iraq, history, symbol and implementation.
After researching, we found that the best person can translate the idea of the dream into the reality of the Iraqi engineer, Manhal Al-Haboubi, who welcomed the idea and agreed to it without hesitation, and despite the financial crisis that may delay implementation, we have directed the specialists in the financial and engineering department of the Supreme Judicial Council to draw up plans through which it can be used. The implementation of the project in the form of stages, even if the time extended to reach the result and achieve the dream that the court house is one of the features that distinguish the beloved capital Baghdad.
Faeq Zidan
April 1, 2021
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