U.K. Finance Minister Sajid Javid Unexpectedly Resigns in Protest

  • 13-02-2020, 16:23
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    The U.K.’s finance minister Sajid Javid has unexpectedly resigned from his post in Boris Johnson’s government, as the U.K. Prime Minister embarks on the first shakeup of his top team since his emphatic election victory in December.

    Javid was reportedly told to sack his entire team of advisors to keep his job. Instead, he chose to resign.

    To replace him, Johnson appointed an inexperienced minister, Rishi Sunak, as Chancellor of the Exchequer (the formal title for Britain’s finance minister) on Thursday. And the U.K. Treasury’s advisory team is now reportedly set to be merged with one in the Prime Minister’s office, 10 Downing Street, a potentially long-lasting shift in the way Britain is governed.