BAGHDAD - Conscious
Closer to the terrorist Baghdadi also revealed differences within the organization, the Supreme Judicial Council said in a statement received Thursday. The judiciary presented the confessions of terrorist Rabah Ali Ibrahim Ali al-Badri, a cousin of Daesh leader Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri, nicknamed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
In his confession before the Karkh Investigation Court, which is specialized in terrorism cases, the terrorist tells the most important thing he had with his cousin.
I was close to al-Baghdadi. We grew up together from childhood and parted in the late 1980s when he moved to Baghdad to study for a doctorate, said Rabah. During that period, we met from time to time.Al-Baghdadi was quiet and far from extremist ideas. He was arrested in 2007 by US forces and placed in Bucca detention center. He was released from detention in 2008, and then I met him. The last meeting before he was led by the terrorist organization showed no difference in his personality. I learned after 2010 that he has become a hunt for his involvement in the ranks of terrorist organizations.
He continued: I used to live the role in Salah al-Din at the time the organization announced control of some provinces and cities, and had belonged to three of my six children of the organization because most of the population of our region belonged and chanted the so-called allegiance, and then moved to Nineveh and echoed There is a so-called allegiance to the state's legitimates, and the Abu Sayyed Abu Mustafa Siyat, he said.
In his confessions before the judge in charge of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, who investigated Rabah with all the legal guarantees, he was appointed to work in the Agriculture Department / Animal Resources Department where my work was limited to raising sheep and livestock and selling them and sending money to the so-called house. The Bureau of Agriculture was an important financial resource for the organization as well as other resources, he said.
Regarding his attempts to meet his cousin Baghdadi, the terrorist speaks Rabah, We received many warnings and prevented from trying to approach or meet Baghdadi as relatives by his brother, who is in charge of protecting him and his bodyguard for fear of being pursued by the security services or know his whereabouts, so I did not even think about talking about it.
Al-Baghdadi lived in a simple, small house not exceeding 150 meters, and he was accompanied by an Arab man who appeared to be an Algerian (Saudi). He started asking me about my news, about my family's fate and asked me to move the families to a safe place for fear of being hated. The battles are intensifying, as well as the differences that are raging in the organization.
I told him that there were sharp disagreements that struck the organization caused by your disappearance or delay in appearing on the scene and the claim of the Arab terrorist that you were not there, he said. Even when we were in a mosque, one of the Tunisian fighters came out and said there was no Khalifa? "Where is the Caliph?"
He pointed out that "Baghdadi told me the text that we drowned people who are working against us, and he was aware of everything that happens, these differences are intensified until the evolution of the matter to the stage of the coup led by foreign and Arab terrorists, noting that the most prominent who was promoting differences and claims The lack of a successor are Tunisians in the ranks of the organization, and we also suffer from Saudis who are involved in the ranks of the organization for their extremism and exaggerated extremism.
Rabah said that Baghdadi had been tired and fatigue and signs of aging and was suffering from pain as a result of the surgery he performed in his left ear in the area of Bou Kamal, Syria.
Baghdadi was not far from the Syrian Shafa area, where it took us time to get to the place where he was staying for 10 to 15 minutes from his whereabouts until he reached it, which indicates that the place was not far or outside the area at least.
Baghdadi let me out and went out the same way as I went blindfolded. He had honored me with money and I was the only one of my relatives I met, the first and last meeting with him.
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