Follow-up - INA
Nutritionist, Senaka Ranadiera, at the University of Melbourne in Australia, published an article in which he talks about some scientific tricks that can be used to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for a longer period.
According to Ranadiera, fruits, vegetables and herbs tend to spoil; Rapidly due to various microbes and poor storage.
He provided tips for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh for a longer period.
These tips are:
1. Avoid buying products with bruises or scratches, which can accelerate the decomposition of fruits and vegetables, as these scratches make it easy for microbes that cause spoilage to enter.
2. Dry fruits and vegetables immediately after washing them. Moisture may accelerate the decomposition process and damage the fruit, but it is important to wash foods directly before using them to remove dirt and disease-causing insects.
According to the study, you should avoid washing vegetables and fruits with vinegar and baking soda, although it removes pesticide residues from the surface of some products, but this is not recommended at home.
3. Correct packaging and storage. Some examples:
bananas, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin will do better in a dark cupboard.
Do not store potatoes and onions together: onions produce a gas called ethylene, which makes potatoes spoil faster, while high humidity in potatoes spoils onions.
Do not store fruits such as apples, pears, avocados and bananas together; Because these fruits release ethylene gas as they ripen, which makes nearby fruits ripen (and possibly spoil) much faster.
4. Avoid food waste. Whenever possible, buy only small quantities so you don't have to worry about keeping them fresh. Never buy products with bruises or scratches, if you plan to keep them for more than a day
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