BOC announces the success of the plan to secure protection for the tenth of Muharram 

  • 29-07-2023, 16:11
  • +A -A


    Baghdad Operations Command announced today, Saturday, the success of the plan to secure protection for the tenth of the holy month of Muharram, and the first ten days of it.

    The leadership stated, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that it "announces the success of its plan prepared to secure protection for the fixed and moving Husseini bodies and processions of condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.".

    The Baghdad Operations Commander, Lieutenant General Ahmed Salim, said, "The Ashura plan proceeded according to its decree for this year, and it is the first of its kind in (20) years, as it did not witness any road blocking during the commemoration ceremonies, and it was characterized by a major role for the security services, which included an effort." High-level intelligence, with thermal cameras monitoring the circuits around the clock.

    The statement added, "The field supervision and follow-up of the Baghdad Operations Commander and the operations commanders in Karkh and Rusafa, and the presence of commanders and commanders at the head of their units, had a major role in the success of the plan, which provided our security units with all their names with high morale, enthusiasm, sincerity and devotion to duty.".

    The Baghdad Operations Commander directed, "Thanks and appreciation to the security forces implementing the plan, and to the citizens, procession owners, and visitors for their cooperation with the security forces and their commitment to the wills and instructions for the visit," especially thanks to "all ministries, support departments, media institutions, and satellite channels."