UNAMI clarifies supporting the elections role and denies a statement attributed to Plasschaert

  • 28-06-2021, 21:32
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    United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) revealed on Monday, the nature of its role in supporting the elections, and as it announced the formation of a team to monitor events on polling day, it affirmed that Iraq has great potential to act as an honest broker that promotes peace and stability in the region.
    "The statement attributed to the representative of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, about postponing the Iraqi elections to mid-2022, is untrue," said the mission to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).
    "Our daily activities with our Iraqi counterparts make us feel reassured that the main goal is still holding early elections on October 10,”
    "All preparations are aimed at making them by this deadline, and this is an official insistence that we have seen. The mission urges all partners to achieve this,” included the statement.
    The mission added that "the United Nations fully supports the desire of the Iraqi people for a political system that effectively represents them and meets their needs and provides advice and assistance to the government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission, at their request, in the preparations for the elections currently, as there are dozens of international and Iraqi United Nations staff providing support in addition, the mission will form a team to monitor events, including on election day.