Ministry of Resources: The Prime Minister moved the issue of water from his technical side and made it a sovereign file

  • 28-03-2023, 21:37
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    The Ministry of Water Resources confirmed today, Tuesday that Iraq has moved the water file from the technical side to direct diplomatic dialogue as a sovereign file and at the highest levels to strengthen the position, and this was evident in the recent visit of the Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a to Turkey.
    The ministry's spokesman, Khaled Shimal, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The Iraqi government has moved the water file towards making it a sovereign file and taking on an international side by joining international water agreements to strengthen Iraq's negotiating position and contribute to resolving the water crisis."
    Shimal continued, "The President of the Republic, Abdul al-Latif Jamal Rashid, informed during the United Nations Water Conference in New York to the seriousness of the water situation and the escalating drought indicators, as well as Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani opened the file during his recent visit to Turkey and the need to share the damage and made a qualitative leap with the decision to increase the flow of water from Tigris and this shift was achieved because it moved from the dialogue from being limited to technical delegations to the diplomatic side and at the highest levels and making it a sovereign file.